Recommended Reading

Benders, D.S. (2010). Diversity: Overstated and Underprepared, The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, Vol 6, Number 4, Multicultural Journal.

Berger, B.M. (1991). ‘Structure and Choice in the sociology of Culture’, Theory and Society, Vol 20, Theory and Society.

Blumenfeld, W.J. (2010). How Comprehensive Is Multicultural Education?:A Case for LGBT Inclusion, The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, Vol 5, Number 2, Multicultural Journal.

Blunt, D.R. (2006). The Effects of Multiculturalism within the Parameters of Instructional Course Design, Multiculturalism Instructional Design, Walden University.

Bourdieu, P. (1991). Language and Symbolic Power, Cambridge, Polity.

Britten, N. (1995). "Qualitative Research: Qualitative interviews in medical research." BMJ.

Charmaz, K. (2006). Constructing grounded theory. A practical guide through qualitative analysis, SAGE, London.

Colon-Muniz, A., Brady, J., & SooHoo, S. (2010). What Do Graduates Say about Multicultural Teacher Education?, Issues in Teacher Education, Vol 19, Issues in Teacher Education, California.

Cronbach, L.J., Nageswari, R., & Gleser, G.C. (1963). Theory of generalizability: A liberation of reliability theory, The British Journal of Statistical Psychology, Vol 16, The British Journal of Statistical Psychology.

Epstein, S.E. (2009). Who are your friends? Complexities in Multicultural Education, Springer Science + Business, Springer, New York.

Ford, T.N., & Quinn, L. (2009), What Are Their Perceptions about Multicultural Education?, Multicultural Education, University of Phoenix, USA.

Gagliardi, R. (1996). Barriers to learning Barriers to teaching in multicultural contexts, International Bureau of Education, International Bureau of Education, Switzerland.

Geertz, C. (1973). "Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture". In The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays, New York: Basic Books.

Giles, H., & Franklyn-Stokes, A. (1989). Communicator characteristics, Handbook of international and intercultural communication, CA Sage Publications.

Ginsberg, S.M., & Bernstein, J.L. (2011). Growing the scholarship of teaching and learning through Institutional culture change, Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol 11, Issue 1, Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Gorski, P.C. & Amosa, W. (2008). Directions and Mis-Directions in Multicultural Education: An Analysis of Session Offerings at the Annual Conference of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Multicultural Perspectives, Vol 10, National Association for Multicultural Education, Newcastle.

Guirdham, M. (1999). Communicating Across Cultures, London, Palgrave Macmillan.

Gubrium, J.A, & Holstein, J.A. (2001). Handbook of interview Research: Context and Method, Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications.

Hanley, M. S. (1999). The scope of multicultural education. Retrieved January 29, 2009 from

Herrada, R.I. (2010). What Preservice Teachers’ Preconceptions about Multicultural Concepts:An Ethnographic Case Study , The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, Vol 5, Number 2, Multicultural Journal.

Holm, G., & Londen, M. (2010). The discourse on multicultural education in Finland: education for whom?, Intercultural Education, Vol 21, Issue 2, Taylor & Francis, USA.

Hong, E., Troutman, P., Hartzell, S. & Kyles, C. (2010). What Influence the Development of Multicultural Teaching Competencies? , The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, Vol 5, Number 2, Multicultural Journal.

Jenks, C. (1993). Culture, London, Routledge.

Johnson,L.M. (2010). Cultural Competence: Laying the Foundation for Education and Leadership, The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, Vol 5, Number 2, Multicultural Journal.

Kendall, G. & Wickham, G. (2001). Understanding Culture: Cultural Studies, Order, Ordering, London, Sage.

Leighton, L. (2010). Teachers’ Perceptions of their Cultural Competencies: An Investigation into the Relationships among Teacher Characteristics and Cultural Competence, Mount Saint Vincent University.

Leininger, M. M. (1985). Ethnography and ethnonursing: Models and modes of qualitative data analysis. In M. M. Leininger (Ed.), Qualitative research methods in nursing (pp. 33-72). Orlando, FL: Grune & Stratton.

Lovell, T. (2000). ‘Thinking Feminism With and Against Bourdieu’, Fowler.

Lucas, A.G. (2010). Distinguishing Between Multicultural and Global Education: The Challenge of Conceptualizing and Addressing the Two Fields, The Clearing House, Taylor & Francis, USA.

Lynch, E. W. & Hanson, M.J. (1992). Developing Cross-Cultural Competence: A Guide for Working with Young Children and Their Families, Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.

Martin, K. (2008). Multicultural Environmental Education, Pathways, McMaster University, Ontario.

McAnany , D. (2009). Monkeys on the Screen?: Multicultural Issues in Instructional Message Design, Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, Vol 35, Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, Canada.

McQuail, D. (2000). McQuails Mass Communication, 4th edn, London, Sage.

Miretzky, D.A. (2010). My Professor has her Opinion and she sticks with it, Multicultural Education, Caddo Gap Press, Illinois.

Molesevich, K. & Stefanou, C. (2010). What Will It Take:A Conversation to Explore the Needs of Hispanic Students in an Anglo Education System, The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, Vol 5, Number 2, Multicultural Journal.

National Association for Multicultural Education. (2003). Retrieved February 4, 2009 from

Packer, C.L. & Williams, (2010). A Preliminary Investigation of Factors that Promote the Development of Racial Justice: Allies in Education, The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, Vol 5, Number 2, Multicultural Journal.

Palfreyman, D. & Mcbride. (2007). Learning and teaching across cultures in higher education, London, Palgrave Macmillan.

Parrish, P. & Linder-VanBerschot, J.A. (2010). Cultural Dimensions of Learning: Addressing the Challenges of Multicultural Instruction, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol 11, Issue 2, USA.

Pearsio, J.F. (2010). No More Strangers and Foreigners, but Fellowcitizens: Multicultural Education and Conflict, Christian Perspectives in Education, Vol 3, Issue 2, article 2, Berkeley Electronic Press.

Poupeau, F. (2000). ‘Reasons for Domination, Bourdieu versus Habermas’, Fowler.

Ragnarsdottir, H. (2010), INTERNATIONALLY EDUCATED TEACHERS AND STUDENT TEACHERS IN ICELAND: TWO QUALITATIVE STUDIES, Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Vol 100, Iceland University of Education, Iceland.

Ramaekers, S. (2010). Multicultural education: embeddedness, voice and change, Ethics and Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, Taylor & Francis, USA.

Schenk, A., (2010). Improving Multicultural Education through the Synthesis of Multiple Educational Strategies, The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, Vol 5, Number 2, Multicultural Journal.

Scollon, R. & Scollon, S.W. (2001). Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach, 2nd edn, Oxford, Blackwell.

Schwieger, F., Gros, E., & Barberan, L. (2010). Lessons from the Culturally Diverse Classroom: Intellectual Challenges and Opportunities of Teaching in the American University, Taylor & Francis, USA.

Sexton, U. (2011). CULTURE AND ASSESSMENT: Discovering What Students Really Knew, R&D Alert, WestEd, San Fancisco.

Smith, E.B. (2009). Approaches to Multicultural Education in Preservice Teacher Education, Multicultural Education, University of Phoenix, USA.

Spolsky, B. (1986). Overcoming language barriers to education in a multilingual world, Language and education in multilingual settings, Multilingual Matters Ltd, Clevedon.

Szabo, S. & Anderson, G. (2009). Helping Teacher Candidates Examine Their Multicultural Attitudes, educational HORIZONS, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Washington.

Thompson, N. (2003). Promoting Equality: Challenging Discrimination and Oppression, 2nd edn, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.

Tran-Hoang-Thu, (2010). Teaching Culture in the EFL/ESL Classroom, Los Angeles Regional California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Alliant International University, California.

Vermette, P.J., Jones, J.L., & Jones, K.A. (2010). Reaching and Teaching All Learners: An Integration of the Tenets of Culturally Relevant Teaching and the ENGAGING Framework, The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, Vol 5, Number 2, Multicultural Journal.

Vescio, V., Bondy, E., & Poekert, P.E. (2009). Preparing Multicultural Teacher Educators: Toward a Pedagogy of Transformation, Teacher Education Quarterly, Teacher Education Quarterly, Florida.

Whitfield, P., Klug, B.J., & Whitney, P. (2007) ‘Situative cognition’: barrier to teaching across cultures, Intercultural Education, Vol. 18, No. 3, Taylor & Francis, USA.

Wong, P. & Fernandez A.E. (2009). Strategies to Assist Multicultural Educators, Multicultural Education, University of Prescott, Arizona.

Zembylas, M. & Sotiroula, I. (2010). Leadership styles and multicultural education approaches: an exploration of their relationship, International Journal of Leadership in Education, VOL. 13, Taylor & Francis, USA.